10 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain During Thanksgiving


By Ana Carolina López, MyDiet Team

Is it inevitable to gain weight during the holidays? Of course not! Following these tips, you can enjoy Thanksgiving Day and delicious traditional dishes… without guilt.
1. Eat Breakfast. Sometimes we think that by “saving room” we will be able to eat more and, therefore, enjoy the celebration of Thanksgiving. However, excessive hunger can make us lose selectivity and the ability to decide how much we eat. A light breakfast, such as cereal with skim milk or a fruit with low fat yogurt, will help you moderate what you’ll eat later.

2. Make Replacements.When preparing Thanksgiving recipes, substitute regular ingredients for their low-fat versions. For example:
• Use non-fat chicken broth for the gravy.
• Substitute regular sugar for artificial sweeteners.
• Use fruit puree instead of oil in baked preparations.
• Try using yogurt or low-fat sour cream to make dips or mashed potatoes.

3. Choose wisely.There are foods you can enjoy all year round, while others are specific to this season. Give priority to special dishes and eat less of other foods.

4. Eat slowly.Chew slowly and savor every bite in order to enjoy each dish, while being able to distinguish when you are satisfied.

5. Beware of alcohol.Alcoholic beverages are naturally high in calories. Enjoy a glass of wine and then switch to diet soda.

6. Focus more on people.Often relate Thanksgiving to food, and later we regret overeating. Focus more on your family and friends, on sharing, talking, and having fun. Food can take second place.

7. Skip seconds.Plan what you will eat from the beginning and help yourself once. Often we’re tempted to repeat and that’s when we lose control of the calories we should eat.

8. Exercise.During the holidays, we usually forget about exercise… and perhaps this is the time we need it most! Make some time for exercise on most days of the week. You could even suggest your family to take a walk after lunch, before having Thanksgiving dessert.

9. Keep your portions small.You don’t need to eat large amounts of something in order to satisfy your craving. Help yourself with moderate amounts of each preparation and enjoy a bit of everything.

10. Begin with vegetables.  A good idea is to begin with the salad. This way, you won't be starving by the time you reach the other dishes, and you'll be able to eat moderately.  

Finally, it is important to set realistic goals. If you feel like the holiday season is not the best time to lose weight, set the goal of maintaining your current weight and avoid extra pounds due to excessive eating. Next year will come with new challenges!

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