Halloween Tricks

By MyDiet™ Team

One more year, and while kids are stirred up with their Halloween costumes, parents are terrified by the amount of candies that inevitably invade their homes.

This year, before your children decide to put on their costumes, sit down with them and explain some rules on safety and nutrition. Here are 12 "tricks" so that this traditional celebration doesn't become so scary:

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  1. Make your kids their favorite meal -and make it the most nutritious- before going out trick or treating. This will reduce the urge to eat candies later.
  2. Try to join your kids when trick or treating. If you can't go, ask another relative or an adult friend you trust.
  3. Teach your children to stay close to the neighborhood and not to visit unknown areas.
  4. Let your kids know the importance of staying close to their group and not talking to strangers or getting in someone else's car.
  5. Make very clear they should not accept candies from strangers.
  6. If your kids get to a house where they can choose between candies or stickers, motivate them to choose the stickers or other stuff they can play with later.
  7. Don't let your kids eat their candies until they get home, under your supervision, or with an adult you trust.
  8. Watch young children carefully while they eat candies or gummies, since they can easily choke.
  9. Check out all the candy when you get home, and discard those that are unwrapped or have signs of alteration (for example, perforations).
  10. Take a look at the expiration date of each candy and throw away those that have already expired.
  11. Encourage your kids to choose high-fiber snacks, like those with nuts, seeds, cereals, or dried fruits (raisins), but in moderate amounts.
  12. Talk to your kids about candy consumption and dental caries or cavities. Make them brush their teeth right after eating and before bedtime.

Enjoy a nutritious Halloween with your family and have fun!