Diets and nutrition

Instant Breakfasts

By Emiliana Faillace, Nutrition Counselor, MyDiet™

If you have a very hectic lifestyle, you might be forgetting the most important thing that will help you “survive” the day: breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you get the energy and nutrients you need to begin and complete your daily activities.

Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy. They can be found in refined or whole-wheat flour, as well as in sugar. Among the best choices are whole-wheat bread, corn tortillas, high-fiber breakfast cereals (low sugar), oatmeal, and beans. These foods should be an essential part of your breakfast in order to ensure that your body and brain function properly. Also, try to include a protein source, like low-fat milk or yogurt, low-fat cheese, lean ham, or eggs to keep you going until the next meal. Always include fruits and vegetables in your breakfast to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Here are some breakfast ideas that you can make in five minutes and even take easily to work. From now on, you won’t have to skip this essential meal.

  • Oat Milk Shake

1 cup low fat yogurt
¼ cup orange juice
2 large strawberries
3 tablespoons uncooked oatmeal

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until liquid. Drink right away o take to work in your favorite travel mug.

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  • Egg Muffin

1 egg
1 slice of turkey ham
1 slice low-fat cheese
4 slices tomato

Make a hard-boiled egg and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, place all ingredients on the muffin, heat for 30 seconds in the microwave, and enjoy.

  • Milk and Cereal

½ cup corn flakes
½ cup whole-grain cereal (All Bran or raw oats)
¼ cup chopped dried fruit
1 cup skim milk

Mix the cereal and fruit a day before and store in a sealed bag. The next morning, serve in a bowl and add milk. If you need to take breakfast to work, store the cereal in a container instead and add an 8-ounce milk carton later.