Mental health

10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health

It is a part of general health that often goes unnoticed

By Pan-American Life
Our mental health determines how we think, feel, and act every day. It also affects how we manage stress, interact with other people, and make decisions.

Remember these tips to take care of your mental health:

Eat well

A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains is essential to both physical and mental health. However, there are certain foods that are associated with better mood, such as bananas, beans, and oily fish. You should also limit or avoid alcohol, caffeine, refined carbohydrates, and added sugars.


Don’t forget to set aside some time for exercise. It not only makes you physically healthy but is also excellent for your mental health. Experts explain that exercise improves blood flow, allowing the body to get more oxygen, which fosters a feeling of relaxation.

10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health - Sleep well

Sleep well

Studies have shown that people who sleep less than six hours a night on average are more likely to have mental distress, anxiety, and depression. To sleep well, avoid caffeine after 3 PM, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and turn your bedroom into a relaxing space.

Develop hobbies

A hobby can help you overcome trauma or problems that upset and affect you. Try reading, writing, crafts, gardening, photography, or cooking.

Work on your confrontation skills

Confrontation skills are efforts you make through actions or thoughts to handle different demands or conflicts. These efforts may be focused on a particular problem, or they may deal with emotions, interpersonal relationships, and self-care.

10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health - Try meditating

Try meditating

Meditation is a practice that regulates the body and mind to lead them to a state of deep relaxation, which is beneficial for mental health.

Practice relaxation techniques

Progressive relaxation, guided imagery, biofeedback, and deep breathing exercises are different practices that are known as relaxation techniques. They are often recommended as a tool to care for your mental health.

Get a little sun

Moderate exposure to sunlight during the early hours of the day is a great way of getting vitamin D, which is associated with better mood. Just remember to use sunscreen to avoid UV damage.

10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health - Connect with other people

Connect with other people

Social media is often used as a source of entertainment and information, but constantly consuming information on other people’s lives can also bring up feelings of comparison, which promote low self-esteem. That is why experts recommend limiting the time we spend on social media and instead connecting more with family members, friends, and coworkers.

Talk to a professional

All these tips are helpful for improving your mental wellbeing, but they cannot “cure” a mental illness. If you often feel upset, anxious, sad, stressed, overwhelmed, irritable, or unmotivated, talk to a professional.


American Psychiatric Association; National Library of Medicine; Mayo Clinic; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.