
Welcome to the MyDiet™ weight loss program! We congratulate you on your decision to begin the journey to improve your health and well-being. We know you will succeed.

MyDiet™ is the only personalized weight loss program especially designed for Hispanics. Our highly qualified nutrition professionals are Hispanic, so they are familiar with the customs and problems of the Latino population.

The objective of this 12-week educational program is to help you make the necessary changes to your lifestyle so that you can lose weight and stay in shape for life. At the same time, you will reduce your risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

The program consists of short, daily activities that provide you with the skills you will need to reshape your life.

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The key to success with the MyDiet™ program depends on the following:

  • Learning how to eat healthy.
  • Maintaining a well-balanced and healthy diet.
  • Eating adequate portions of the foods you like.
  • Adding exercise to your new life plan.
  • Making permanent changes to your lifestyle.

We wish you good luck on your journey to looking and feeling better!

This links will guide you to the 12-week program: